Why Choose Hybrid Car Window Tints?

If you can't choose between metalized or dyed window tints, then why not install hybrid films instead? What is a hybrid tint and what are the advantages of putting it on your car windows?

What Are Hybrid Window Tints?

Different window tints are made from different materials and processes. These differences affect the way the tints look, the way they work, and their cost.

For example, dyed tints contain various layers of dyed plastic. The density of the plastic and its layers dictate how dark the tint will be. If you use metalized tints, then the films you put on your windows contain tiny metal particles. These particles give the tint a metallic look.

Hybrid window tints combine some of the features of both these tints. They use some dyed plastic layers with some metal particles in them. This hybrid structure gives these tints some advantages over both dyed and metalized alternatives.

What Are the Advantages of Hybrid Window Tints?

While dyed tints are economical, they do have some downsides. For example, these tints fade as they get older. They don't provide great thermal insulation or UV protection. They are made from relatively lightweight films that scratch more easily than other tints.

Metalized films don't have these disadvantages. Their metal content gives you better UV and thermal protection. The films in these tints are stronger and less likely to get damaged. However, metalized tints also have downsides.

For a start, they are more expensive than dyed tints. They give your windows a shiny metallic look that you might not like. Plus, the metal in the films can cause interference with any technology you use in the car such as signals from mobile phones, navigation systems and radios.

The main advantage of hybrid window tints is the way they pull together some of the advantages of dyed and metalized films but reduce some of the disadvantages. For example, hybrid films have better thermal and UV-blocking efficiency than dyed products. Their metal content makes them more robust. They won't fade as fast as dyed films.

While this metal content is useful here, hybrid films don't contain as many particles as metalized tints. So, they don't look as metallic and shiny. They are also less likely to cause signal interference problems.

From a cost perspective, hybrid window tints are slightly more expensive than dyed films but less expensive than metalized tints. This extra cost is worth it — hybrid tints keep their good looks and last for longer.

To find out more, contact car window tint installation specialists.
